Monument Valley Lightning


Monument Valley Lightning

from $99.00

Lightning strikes the summer night landscape in Monument Valley, Arizona.

Material & Size:
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Types of Prints

Photo Prints:

All photo prints are created using a traditional silver halide process, where images are exposed onto light sensitive paper.  The paper used is Fuji Crystal Archive Professional Super Luster - chosen for its vivid colors, brilliant whites, rich blacks and a semi-gloss luster finish.

Framed Prints:

Framed prints come finished and ready to hang, with a craft paper backing and a wire hanger. Frames are made of wood, in Gallery White.  An acrylic front protects the art from scratches.

Closeup of Framed Print in Gallery White

Closeup of Framed Print in Gallery White

Framed Prints with a Matted Border:

For Framed Prints purchased with a Matted Border, the size given in the pricing is the size of the actual photograph. By adding the matting, the border increases the final size of the piece to the following sizes:

  • 8"x12" becomes 12"x18"

  • 16"x24" becomes 24"x36"

  • 10"x10" becomes 12"x12"

  • 20"x20" becomes 24"x24"


Gallery Aluminum:

Perhaps our most impressive print, Aluminum Prints are transferred onto a sheet of metal using dye sublimation processing.  This unique process creates a lasting and vibrant image, making the image a permanent part of the aluminum sheet.  An extremely durable product, they are waterproof, UV resistant, and made from 100% recyclable aluminum. They come in two hanging options:

  • Easy-Hang Float Mounts provide a modern and minimalist appearance, in which the piece appears to be suspended just off the edge of the wall.  The art is attached to the wall using a hanging hook on the float backing, and requires only a single screw into the wall.

  • The Brushed Metal Post option gives a sleek impression that the art is bolted into the wall, when in fact it is attached by four screw-in caps. Each of these caps is attached to the wall using a drill or screwdriver, which requires care to ensure the holes are drilled level and in proper alignment. In all, four holes must be drilled - a task that usually takes about 20 minutes for installation. All screws and mounting supplies are included with the purchase, along with instructions for hanging.

Gallery Aluminum Prints on display in Los Angeles

Gallery Aluminum Prints on display in Los Angeles